
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day 2085: "The State of The System Worker"

We strongly recommend this extraordinary work "Crisis On Asimov: A Vision of 2085" by national security strategist and Walsh College MBA Programs Director Dr. Sheila Ronis, that delves into the intricacies of a possible future, where the laws of physics have changed as a result of heightened understanding and application thereof, cars no longer have wheels, living is either below ground or in massive orbital floating cities, and colonies have been established on the Moon and Mars.

Required reading within this "dramanalysis" - and most appropos this Labor Day 2010 weekend - is the state of the labor force, and how extraordinary advances in productivity and technological process were accomplished through a melding of the responsibilities of managers and those managed. In the end, the planet's labor troubles were resolved through common sense that is today not-so-common: Mutual respect...

Enjoy, with a good libation...